Apr 18, 20223 min readBaha’i Faith ReflectionThe excursion to the Baha’i faith offices was a very interesting and enlightening experience. Their religion is based around the fact...
Apr 5, 20223 min readDeb Lincoln ReflectionDeb Lincoln was an amazing guest speaker and I am extremely envious, and admirable, of the success she has obtained in her field. I think...
Apr 3, 20223 min readRev Alex Norris ReflectionReverend Alex Norris was very interesting to listen to because I had never thought much of the role that social media plays in religion....
Mar 21, 20223 min readSustainability and Ed Scott-Clarke ReflectionI found Ed Scott-Clarke’s presentation thoroughly fascinating because digital media is an aspect of the sport industry that I am...
Mar 7, 20223 min readReality TV ReflectionReality television plays a large role in popular culture. I would describe it as a continuation of the soap opera era, in which drama...
Feb 27, 20224 min readMartin Rowson and Newspaper ReflectionI have never been a political fellow, meaning I have never given political cartoons a look, or even a thought. Nonetheless, I was excited...
Feb 17, 20223 min readJohn Curran and the BBC ReflectionAs a BBC novice, I was unsure of what to expect from John Curran. Although I was once interested in becoming a reporter and getting into...